What Irrigation Systems Do Landscape Contractors Use?

Landscaping contractors have a variety of irrigation systems to choose from when designing a project. Learn more about sprinkler systems and drip irrigation systems and how to select the right one for your project.

What Irrigation Systems Do Landscape Contractors Use?

Landscaping contractors have a variety of irrigation systems to choose from when designing a project. Sprinklers are often the best choice for lawn areas, as they can be adapted to cover almost any area. Sprinkler systems apply water to the grass in droplets, imitating rain. The water is pumped through a piping system under pressure and sprayed onto the grass using sprinklers.

This is a great versatile option for lawns. Drip irrigation systems, also known as micro, low-flow, low-volume and drip, use drip emitters, in-line emitters, miniature sprayers, and microsprayers. These systems come in two forms: above ground and below ground. Both work with the same method, but the below ground option is more efficient and requires less maintenance.

When selecting an irrigation system for a landscaping project, it's important to consider the size of the area, the type of plants being used, and the climate. Sprinklers are great for large areas with grass, while drip irrigation systems are better suited for smaller areas with plants that require less water. It's also important to consider the climate when selecting an irrigation system. In dry climates, it's important to choose an efficient system that will conserve water and reduce runoff.

No matter what type of irrigation system is chosen, it's important to ensure that it is properly installed and maintained. This will help ensure that the system is working efficiently and effectively. Proper maintenance will also help extend the life of the system.